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Airsoft UK : Player loadout competition!


Airsoft UK : Player loadout competition!

Airsoft UK : Player loadout competition!

Closing date:

Winter 2020


Prizes will be announced soon!
Prizes will be participant based, the more submissions the better the prizes!


How to take part:

1. Join Airsoft UK through the Player Area
2. Head over to the loadout section
3. Create your current favourite loadout
4. Add your own photo of each weapon included
5. That's it!


1. Only 1 loadout submission per player will count to the draw.
2. Only 1 Player account per person.
3. Gear images should be just that, the gear.
Anything else will disqualify you.
4. Loadouts can be submitted at any time. All existing loadout's on the site will also take part, as long as they meet the conditions.


It has been a long year. In and out of lockdown, unsure of where and what we can do. All the time out kit is looking at us, eyes wide open, just waiting to be put to the test at the next skirmish.

We know your pain.

This is why here at Airsoft UK we are having a little competition by giving you the chance to show off what you have been able to perfect over lockdown and the year. Because if you're like us, you wouldn't have been able to stop building that beautiful bit of kit.

In return, you get to help us by testing out our new area. It's a win-win. The rules are simple.

1. Only 1 loadout submission per player will count to the draw.
2. Only 1 Player account per person.
3. Gear images should be just that, the gear. Anything else will disqualify you.
4. Loadouts can be submitted at any time. All existing loadout's on the site will also take part, as long as they meet the conditions.

How to take part I hear you ask?

1. Join Airsoft UK through the Player Area
2. Head over to the loadout section
3. Create your current favourite loadout
4. Upload your own photo of each weapon included in the loadout
5. That's it!

Simple right?

Prizes will be announced soon!
Prizes will be participant based, the more submissions the better the prizes!


Get in touch be featured here.
For a short time we're not charging any fee's, but that wont last forever!

The next events are...

Airsoft UK : Player loadout competition!

More Coming Soon!

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